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शनिवार, 25 मई 2013

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1 टिप्पणी :

  1. I believe in Kusumji and Poonamji Devi ma as they are incarnation of Vishnu. I read their books daily and try to implement the teachings in my daily life. The lipid gives you immense peace and strength and guides to take the path of truth, I recommend people to read the books and you can yourself can understand that the words in these books are from a supernatural power. I am fortunate that I have recognised the presence of God in the lipi. I have met Kusumji when I was a Child and would like to meet Poonamji when I will get an opportunity to visit Lucknow my home town. I have a desire to spread this message to other people and wish that Lord Krishna will give me that opportunity soon.

    जवाब देंहटाएं